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UCU Donation Policy

Ukrainian Credit Union Limited is committed to being a leader in community investment. UCU donates to more than 100 charities and organizations through responsible giving each year.

Ukrainian Credit Union Limited has instituted a new donations policy. This policy outlines the process, application criteria and informational requirements, funding decision considerations and internal reporting requirements for sponsorship and donations. Its purpose is to ensure that funding decisions are consistent with UCU’s vision, that disbursements are spent on legitimate purposes and consistent with the original request; funding amounts are appropriate for the request and fall within UCU’s financial affordability.

Continue to scroll down this page for information about grants of:

  • $500 or less - Category 1
  • $501 to $2,500 - Category 2
  • More than $2500 - Category 3

All applications must conform to the following:

  • All requests must be submitted on one of the UCU application forms provided below. It is preferable that the applications are filled out and submitted electronically, however if you are not able to do so, please print out an application and fill it out by hand.
  • General correspondence that does not indicate a requested dollar amount will not be considered for donations or sponsorships
  • Ukrainian Credit Union Limited will not provide notice of rejection of a request unless requested to do so by the applicant.
  • In case of a rejection of your application, Ukrainian Credit Union Limited is not obligated to provide the reason for the rejection.
  • Please carefully read the categories below and select the one that best fits your organization's needs

Category 1: Small projects and community events - $500 or less

If you need a quick donation, and don’t want to fill out many forms, but are willing to take a smaller amount instead, this is the form for you!


  1. Category 1 is for requests no larger than $500.20.
  2. The application form should be submitted no later than 30 days before the event.
  1. Ukrainian Credit Union Limited will provide a positive answer within 10-15 days, unless the decision is referred to the Board of Directors (meetings usually held the 4th Thursday of each month) in which case the answer will be provided at the beginning of the week following the board meeting.
  2. Ukrainian Credit Union Limited will consider applications in Category 1 from individuals if the project or event meets all other requirements of our donation policy
  3. Individuals or organizations that maintain their accounts at other financial institutions are strongly encouraged to submit their request to those financial institutions rather than to Ukrainian Credit Union Limited.
  4. In general circumstances, for-profit entities may not be considered for a donation from Ukrainian Credit Union Limited.

Category 2: Concerts, anniversary events, larger public events - $501 - $2,500

If you represent a charitable or non-profit organization and are planning an event or project and have the time to apply for funding well in advance, this is the form you should fill out. 


  1. For requests between $501 and $2,500.
  2. You must include a detailed application form and budget of your projected expenses and revenues associated with the project (including additional sponsor request information).
  3. The application form should be submitted no less than three months (90) before the event.
  1. If the request must be reviewed by the Donations Committee and then the Board of Directors, Ukrainian Credit Union Limited will provide an answer within 10-15 days following the decision of the Board of Directors (meetings usually held the 4th Thursday of each month).
  2.  If the application is not submitted within the 90-day requirement, it will automatically be downgraded to a Category 1 application and may be adjudicated according to the rules of Category 1 up to a maximum amount of $500.
  3. Ukrainian Credit Union Limited will ONLY consider applications in this category that come from a recognized community group that is a registered charity or a non-profit organization. In extra-ordinary situations, non-members of the broader Ukrainian Canadian community may be considered for donations.
  4. The organization must be either:
    • Ontario-based and serves the local community in an area that is served by Ukrainian Credit Union Limited. This means that local community organizations of a general Canadian nature or of other ethnic groups that are served by Ukrainian Credit Union Limited may apply and be approved for a donation as long as they generally meet the other requirements of the application process.
    • Canada-wide or global Ukrainian organizations may apply for Category 2 grants as long as they maintain an active account at Ukrainian Credit Union Limited.
    • Ukrainian organizations based in Ukraine, Poland and other countries with significant Ukrainian populations may also apply even if they do not maintain an account at Ukrainian Credit Union Limited, however, they will be considered for an award of a donation ONLY if there is room in the ANNUAL budget after money has been disbursed to local and Canadian organizations.
    • Major Canadian charitable organizations such as hospitals, foundations engaged in battling major diseases, food banks, etc. may also be considered for category 2 donations without the membership requirements.
  1. The organization should be a member in good standing at Ukrainian Credit Union Limited.
  2. Organizations that maintain their accounts at other financial institutions are strongly encouraged to submit their request to those financial institutions rather than to Ukrainian Credit Union Limited.
  3. Applications from individuals will generally not be accepted in this category, nor will applications generally, from for-profit organizations.

Category 3: Major projects and events greater than $2,500

If you represent a major charitable or non-profit organization and are organizing a major event such as a festival, or creating something of major benefit to the community (recent examples include things like the Holodomor Bus, films such as “Music of Survival”, anthologies of music by major Ukrainian composers) or if there is a need for funding for or to rejuvenate/renovate existing community assets, this is the application you should fill out.


  1. For all requests in excess of $2,500.
  2.  You must include a detailed application form and a detailed budget of your projected expenses and revenues associated with the project (including additional sponsor request information).
  3. The application form should be submitted no less than three months (90) before the event.
  1. If the request must be reviewed by the Donations Committee and then the Board of Directors, Ukrainian Credit Union Limited will provide an answer within 10-15 days following the decision of the Board of Directors (meetings usually held the 4th Thursday of each month).
  2.  If the application is not submitted within the 90-day requirement, it will automatically be downgraded to a Category 1 application and may be adjudicated according to the rules of Category 1 up to a maximum amount of $500.
  3. Ukrainian Credit Union Limited will ONLY consider applications in this category that come from a recognized community group that is a registered charity or a non-profit organization.
  4. The organization must be either:
    • Ontario based and serves the local community in an area that is served by Ukrainian Credit Union Limited. This means that local community organizations of a general Canadian nature or of other ethnic groups that are served by Ukrainian Credit Union Limited may apply and be approved for a donation as long as they generally meet the other requirements of the application process.
    • Canada-wide or global Ukrainian organizations may apply for Category 3 grants as long as they maintain an active account at Ukrainian Credit Union Limited.
    • Ukrainian organizations based in Ukraine, Poland and other countries with significant Ukrainian populations may also apply even if they do not maintain an account at Ukrainian Credit Union Limited, however, they will be considered for an award of a donation ONLY if there is room in the ANNUAL budget after money has been disbursed to local and Canadian organizations.
    • Major Canadian charitable organizations such as hospitals, foundations engaged in battling major diseases, food banks, etc. may also be considered for Category 3 donations without the membership requirements.
  1. The organization should be a member in good standing at Ukrainian Credit Union Limited
  2. Organizations that maintain their accounts at other financial institutions are strongly encouraged to submit their request to those Financial Institutions rather than to Ukrainian Credit Union Limited
  3. Applications from individuals will generally not be accepted in this category, nor will applications generally, from for-profit organizations.